Feb 5, 2023
10 Tips for Creating the Best Ecommerce Product Video Ad
Want to know how you can increase your conversion rate by up to 20%?
The secret is in your Ad creative. Assuming that you are doing a great job on the ad set level. Here is a conversion rate success formula we follow for all of our Ecommerce clients:
(Right Objective + Proper Optimization+ Target Audience) * Ad Creative = High Conversion rate
After studying our successful case studies and the tips of the best Digital Marketing experts.
Here are the best 10 Tips for creating a successful Video Ad for your products.
#1 The 3 Second Window
Our attention span has seen a noticeable drop in the past 10 years, due to Social Media and smartphone consumption habits. Taking this into consideration, you might be asking yourself the following question: How will I grab my audience’s attention if they are constantly scrolling through their news feed?
The key here is to show your Value proposition in the first 3 Seconds of the video. So, what is a value proposition?
A value proposition is the value that your product is promising. The value promise should be simple and can be easily written down in one sentence.
For example: The Evernote App sums up its value proposition by the phrase: “Remember everything”.As it lets you save anything to a cloud-based account.
If I was hired to create a product ad for the launch of Evernote, this is what the first 3 seconds will tell you:
Take notes anywhere
Find information faster
Share your ideas with anyone
Of course, this is the first thing you see when visiting their website, because this is their 3-second pitch for new visitors.
Which leads us to the second important tip.
#2 Show the Problem being Solved
An innovative product should solve a problem. A perfect example is a product called Eclipse by Native Union. This started as a Kickstarter project with a goal of raising $50,000.They ended up raising more than $939,000 by 8,907 backers, most of the credit going to their simple, yet amazing video ad.
The secret was that they showed a problem all people face; messy cables. Then presented the solution with their simple innovative product.
Focus on how they show a common problem and its solution from seconds 00:09 to 00:19.
This 3-minute video was the key factor in them raising close to a million dollars.
#3 Text Overlays
Text overlay on videos helps give your audience more information than the footage and voiceover allow. With videos being auto played on Social Media, text overlay is a very useful addition that can be used to elaborate an image, a title, listing and many more situations.
Utilizing the text overlay feature in your product video ads, will be a breakdown of all the reasons why a viewer will want to buy your product.
If you already have a ready video, you can easily add text overlay in Facebook’s Ads Manager after uploading your video. Just go to Media -> Edit Video -> Creative tools -> TextOverlay. Visit this help article for more information: Create a Video Ad With Text Overlays.
#4 Reinforce with Positivity
A great way to associate your product with a positive emotion, is to actually show happy people using your product.This way your product will resonate with the viewers that it will make them happier, stronger or better.
Nike are masters at associating their brand with greatness and high performance which is the value proposition thattheir products offer.
Notice how you feel after watching this original Michael Jordan Nike commercial.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dBxcunGc_nA" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
#5 A Real-Life View
Creative Lifestyle video shoots like the ones Apple creates to promote their products are extremely powerful in grabbing attention and being remembered.
However, what you need to keep in mind is that your audience need to have an idea of how your product actually looks like in real life.
For example, if you are promoting sunglasses with powerful closeup shots from all angles, you need to also show how it might look like on a person’s face. Combining it with the 4th tip in that last shot will definitely have a positive impact on your conversion rates.
#6 Optimize for Sound Off
Did you know that according to a USA consumers survey done by Verizon Media 92% of consumers view videos on mobile with the sound off?
While voiceovers are effective in your videos, this key insight proves the importance of using tip #3 (Text Overlay).
So, make sure that the viewer can get the message you want to deliver with sound on and off.
#7 Spice things up with Music
You can notice a new trend with Ecommerce Ads that most of them are using upbeat music in the background. In a2015 study they measured the effect of listening to music in different types of scenarios. One of the many benefits was the relationship between upbeat music and motivation.
Think of it the same way you were motivated when listening to upbeat music during your workout. The same technique is used by Fast food restaurants and big fashion stores.
Now that we have a very clear understanding of what a product video ad should look like. Let’s look at some important tips for the caption part.
#8 Leveraging Reviews as your Caption
You can’t find a more powerful marketing tactic than Social Proof. Why is it so powerful? Because consumers trust what others say about your product and not what you are “Marketing” does.The power of Amazon as a marketing platform was in the honest reviews part that people leave on the product. I can’t remember how many times I bought a producton Amazon that I don’t even need just for the number of reviews it had.
To put this in hand, copy one of your5-star reviews and use it as the first part of the caption. A creative way todo that could be using a star emoji.
You can also use the above ⬆️ website to add other emojis in your copy to make it more appealing and to address your audience with a friendly tone of voice.
The 9th tip can be used to complete the second part of the caption.
#9 List your Main Benefits (Not Features)
A great practice that was proven to be successful for all of our clients was: after using the review as a starter to grab attention and build some trust in the consumer’s eyes. Then you can list the 3 main benefits of your product.
Remember the Evernote example in tip number 1, they say “take notes anywhere” rather than saying a “synced note taking application”.
After perfecting tips 8 & 9, make sure to place clear call to actions and links even if you are using a call to action button in the ad.
#10 Call to Action & Landing Page
You need to have a clear call to action at every part of the customer journey. To view this concept in practice, visit any one-page product website.
A client of ours noticed a 14% increase in the click through rate after adding a clear call to action and a shortened link at the end of the caption.
When to use a shortened link?
If your landing page is taking more than 15 characters, then you must think about shortening that link. You can use bitly.com to shorten and track your links.
Know your target audience and how to communicate your product to them. A B2B solution has a different approach from a B2C fashion product. Then write down your value proposition, benefits, key messages & the problems your product is solving.
Study the 10 tips in this article carefully and proceed with designing a draft mood board. Check if the tips are implemented properly and show it to someone who is not working on the video.This could be a family member or a friend. See if they understand the message you are delivering and if this entices them to know more.